Disney Half Marathon recap

Starting out early..

We left the house super early Friday morning…I think we closed the garage door at 4:45am.  The boys snuggled up in their blankets and tucked in for the ride down to Disneyland.  The moon saw us off…it’s amazing how bright it is when it’s pitch black outside.

Good morning sunshine

I-5 wasn’t too crowded when the sun finally joined us for the trip.  It was absolutely gorgeous to watch the sky brighten up and color with the morning rays.

We got to into Disneyland around 10:45am…the trip seems to take longer and longer every time.  I mean it’s not like they added any roads or anything so not really sure why the car GPS told us it was a little over 6 hrs to get there when we were pretty sure it was a little over 5 hrs a couple months ago.  We spent the entire first day in Disneyland – hitting up all the rides.  Seems everyone was over in California Adventure waiting 2 hours + for the new Carsland rides.  Good grief!  We all headed to bed early as 12yo and 10yo were joining me for the Carsland 5K in the morning.

AM to PM in 4 pictures

Saturday was California Adventure day…starting the morning with the Carsland 5K.  10yo took off running right after the start while 12yo and I took a jog/walk approach.  12yo’s not as into fitness as I’d like him to be but I was so proud of him for sticking to the j/w plan.  We crossed the finish at 41 minutes  – which is not too shabby for his first foray into racing.

We got fast passes for Carsland – can you believe HunBun and 12yo waiting 20 minutes for the fast passes?  10yo and I rode Tower of Terror twice while they were waiting AND got pictures with the Incredibles and Minnie!

Minnie’s adorable!

Check out those guns!

Sunday was Disneyland day…and RACE DAY!  I will admit I was a little worried about my run.  After 3 early mornings and 2 full days in the park my ankles and legs were feeling a little woogly.  I woke up at 3:45am and got dressed in the bathroom – while trying not to wake everyone up.  SMART TIP: Always set up your running doo-dads in a pile where you can just grab & go.  I had my clothes all set up on the dresser and my Garmin, Nano and Mickey Mouse visor right next to it.  That way I didn’t have to fumble around trying to find everything I needed.  I also put my Smucker’s PB&J pre-made sammy and bottle of water next to my pile of stuff.  I always eat a Smucker’s Uncrustable PB&J frozen sandwich before my Half’s – it works for me.

I headed over to the start at around 4:15am…we stayed off-resort this year so my walk was a little longer than usual.  This may have worked to my favor – got to warm up the legs a little with my trek across the way.  I did a lot of stretching and a lot of port-o-potty visits.  I’m always worried about having to stop and stand in long lines while on the route…so I visit the port-o’s a TON!  They changed the corral set up…I think it lost some of the excitement because instead of a long line of corrals they had a U shape…so A,B,C were in line with the start while D to the end were around the corner.  There was less screaming and cheering this year.

They had a lot of car clubs on the route this year…old cars, corvettes, mustang cobras – maybe to fit into the Carsland theme.  It was really awesome to see all the locals supporting folks they don’t even know.  The bands, cheer groups and dancers are always big energy boosters.  It was really hot this year so I stopped for water at every station…did my swish and swallow with the Power-ade and water to cut the sweetness.  I don’t know why they always choose blue Power-Ade…weird.

My Beans, Power-Ade and Water got me through the race and I finished at 2:11!  I was super happy with myself as I only walked during water stops (I tried running with water the first time and almost drowned myself with the water sloshing up my nostrils – definitely not attractive).

I’m a Winner!

I love the Disney races.  They are a ton of fun and I’m always ready to go to the parks.  I can’t wait to do the Disneyland Tinkerbell in January then jet off to Disney World for the Princess in February.  Hope you enjoyed this quick jaunt through our long weekend.

See ya later


What did you do over the long weekend? 


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