Trail Hog recap and this morning’s Eats & Sweats

Brazen Trail Hog 5K

Yesterday morning I completed my first trail run…even though I said I wasn’t doing it for time you know deep down I didn’t want to be a total schlub on my first race out.

I was 45th out of 156 with a pace of 10:52/min for a finish of 36:50.  That doesn’t sound too bad for my first one out until you look at the rankings and see that some 9yo kid finished 7th with a  7:40/min pace.  GAH!

I promised you some awesome running fashion and without further fanfare – feast your eyes on this slick combo!

No, I’m not color-blind.

Just to let you know how awesome these threads were…while I was on the run one of the camera dudes said “hey, nice socks”.  Woot Woot!  Oh, yeah!

Thanks to HunBun for getting up early with me and hanging out while I was on the trail.  He was a pretty good photo-logger.

It’s like you were there with us

My favorite is the one in the lower right corner…that’s my super white self – shining in the summer sunshine – it looks like I’m naked.  🙂

I’ll kick your patootie

At the end we got these wicked cool medals…this hog’s been working on his bicep curls!  Then we piled through the feed trough – I mean the buffet of a refuelers dream.  They were even handing out It’s It ice cream sandwiches!  EEEE!  I grabbed a cappucino flavor – unfortunately it’s a cookie sandwich so no ice cream for HunBun (insert sad face here).  I should have taken a picture of the food line – if that doesn’t motivate you to run I don’t know what would!  So after grabbing half a bagel (the MOST DELICIOUS bagel I have ever eaten – it tasted like warm garlic bread, SLURP), a little dixie cup of Skittles for HunBun, some Raw Energy bars that I’ve never tasted and some more water I moved over to the side to eat my ice cream sandwich and watch the rest of the 5K/10K participants come in.  While I was eating HunBun asked “do you have makeup all over your face?”..I said “no, it’s probably all the dust gathered in my tears”.   Hahahaha.  One take away – wear sunglasses on a trail run ESPECIALLY if you wear contacts!  My right eye kept tearing up and I was afraid my contact was gonna fall right out.  **10yo calls tears eye sweats – so for all you men out there it’s not crying it’s your eyeball sweating. 🙂

The Brazen racing team is THE BEST!  Made you feel completely comfortable and when the announcer asked who was doing their first trail run and a ton of hands shot up he got super stoked!  There were a couple of big hills I had to walk up – I’m not ashamed to admit it – but for the most part I kept my pace up and had a really great time.  I encourage anyone to try anything once…you might find your newest addiction that way!

Sunday Morning Eats & Sweats

This morning I had some instant cinnamon oatmeal (cleaning out the pantry last week unearthed some food that needs to be eaten), ungloopified by some unsweetened coconut milk, fattened up with some sunflower butter then flavored up with some cinnnamon and blueberries.  On the side I finished up the other half of the papaya.  Can’t go wrong with instant oatmeal (I stick to the high fiber version or the low sugar version – I don’t know why they don’t combine those two features..Come On Quaker!).  Well I should say you can’t go wrong IF you like oatmeal (unlike my Ann girl who can’t stand the stuff).

Our finicky little Keurig has been working for the past week (HOORAH!) so I added a cup of coffee whitened with unsweetened coconut milk then spinkled with this lovely find from Trader Joe’s  – a Chocolate, Coffee Bean and Sugar grinder!  Gives your morning joe a little extra howdy-do.  I enjoyed that in my Disney World cup that I got from our trip this past June.  Cheery!


Today I did my Functional Workout from Tina Reale – who I have helping me out as a virtual personal trainer.  I was supposed to do this workout yesterday – but the 5K threw our day off schedule and I didn’t get to it like I wanted to.  So this morning I did 4 supersets at 45/sec each exercise after a 10 min stationary bike ride while I set up my interval clock.  Then I finished up with a 15 min speed workout on the treadmill.  My darn iFit is not connecting on my treadmill so I need to figure that out.  Bugger.

So that’s my weekend so far as Sunday’s still got some hours left in her.

See ya later!


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