Move it…it’s Monday!

Morning Sweats

This morning I upped my reps for my Superset workout that I did last week.  The superset is from my virtual training plan from Tina Reale with Best Body Fitness.  I started with a 5 min stationary cycle then hit the supersets. I had sweat dripping all over the place!

I can’t believe how incredibly weak my upper body is.  To do the 25 pushups I had to do an incline pushup instead of regular style.  So I did it using my stationary cycle seat “diamond” push up style.

Hey I guess the best thing about having weak arms is I’ll be able to tell when I gained some muscle strength…cause I’ll actually be able to do the darn pushups!  Bwahahahaha.  🙂

Morning Eats

I had cinnamon spice instant oatmeal with blueberries & sunbutter again.

Instant Oats..less the papaya today

No papaya this morning though.  I was full until 1130am when I stopped and had a tiny gala apple and a “melted dole whip” smoothie.  I added vanilla protein powder for a “creamy” taste…I’ll have to add only 1/2 Tbsp instead of a full one – too much vanilla flavor for a Dole Whip.

Melted Dole Whip, take 2

That kept me going until after my 2nd conference call of the day.  They were spaced oddly today – cutting through my normal eating hours (snack & lunch) but I did pretty well.

Lunch al-desko

For lunch I made a roast beef pita pocket with hummus, spinach and goat cheese.  Tasty!  Also ate some blue corn chips I picked up from Trader Joe’s.  Blue corn chips are more substantial than the regular Tostitos chips we usually buy.  I think with the blue chips you could actually stick to the posted serving size (of 11 chips) because they are thicker and require more chewing action.

All you need for a RB pocket

I’m gonna eat you!

No pictures of the blue chips…I ate them too quickly and threw the bag away.  Didn’t want to dumpster dive like I usually do when I remember to take photos after the fact.  I have another bag of spicy blue corn chips – I’ll photo those, Deal? 🙂

I’ve gotta pack for a quick work trip to Kansas City…aren’t I lucky?!?  Although we get to wear jeans, wahoo, so I don’t have to worry so much about which pair of black dress pants I’m bringing – HA!   I think I will make a fashion statement by wearing those printed jeans I bought on my birthday buy-obration.

See ya later!




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