Weekend Wrap-up

Monday already???  October already????   Jeesh!  Time sure flies.

We had an extra little person this weekend.  Nephew came over so the boys played XBox all night Friday and all day Saturday until he got picked up.   They only took breaks for food and to handle their “business”.  Must be nice to be a kid.

Weekend Eats

Balls of Wonder!

Friday night we had Annie’s Gluten Free Mac & Cheese and hotdogs.  I should clarify that we does not include me.  I scored left over Cobb salad – Whee (said sarcastically)…I love love hotdogs with JUST MUSTARD.  Slurp!  The kids go ape over Mac & Cheese and HunBun gets to enjoy it too now that they have the GF version.  Saturday morning I made scrambled eggs, Open Nature Turkey Bacon and these Balls of Wonder – Trader Joe’s Danish Pancakes.  Simply warm up in microwave and sprinkle with powdered sugar.  Those kids ate these up likedy split.  I had a thin sliced wheat round with Trader’s Speculous Cookie Butter (Oh Man that stuff’s good), since I was going to do my circuit workout and didn’t want a pile of food jouncing around my belly.  I don’t know if any of you have tried this stuff but I highly recommend you get some.  At 90 calories a TBSP it’s actually got less calories than other nut butters…but I haven’t read the rest of the nutrition facts so am not sure how “good for you” this nut butter is.  I can imagine using this to make PB Balls at Christmas time…with the gingerbread taste it would be perfect.  Except HunBun couldn’t eat it because of the biscuit bits inside…I’ll have to come up with an alternative GF version for him.

Saturday Lunch was Turkey, Cheese and Spinach sandwiches or Cookie Butter & Jelly Sandwich (I take orders around here don’t you know), Ruffles Sour Cream & Cheddar chips and apple slices.  Nephew pulled out his spinach, 10yo didn’t eat his apples, 12yo ate it all.  I can’t even remember what I ate..boot. 😦

Saturday Dinner was Sausage & Peppers, Red Potatoes and Zuchinni rounds.  HunBun said “hotdogs again?”,  12yo said “no it’s sausage”  🙂  I had the veggies from the dish and spinach and goat cheese on top.

Sunday Breakfast was “help yourself” as I was in Campbell running with my MeetUp group.  Sunday Lunch was “what’s in the kitchen” as I have been procrastinating the grocery store visit.  Sunday Dinner was crockpot salsa chicken and rice – because I had to come up with something.  I had the chicken on spinach greens, that was tasty.  12yo tried goat cheese and LOVED it…so he put that on his corn tortillas.  Also ate a fruit salad, oranges were super sweet!

Weekend Sweats

I’m clean again…

So after my Trail Hog run my new shoes were like Cinderella…covered in dust with random grass pieces sticking out of the mesh.  So I took a brush and cleaned those kicks till they looked almost new.  I like to use these New Balance sneaks when I do the circuit workouts at home.  The Brooks almost have too much padding or weight that I feel like I lose my balance when I do certain circuit moves.  From this view it looks like I’m totally bow-legged…weird how the camera can put those optical illusions out.  Had my low rider socks on, you can barely see them peeking over the edge of the shoe.  I don’t get how people can wear sneakers with no socks, ick!   I did a lot of body-weight moves on my Saturday workout…felt it in my thighs and calves – BURN!

I wish I had one of those Body Bugs to measure my calorie usage during circuit training – now it looks like I didn’t use any calories when I enter it onto MyFitnessPal.  Fail.  I’m working on those pudgy spots – not to lose weight but more to tighten and tone.  I can feel those ab muscles when I poke my fingers into my tummy…I’d rather see them then have to go on an expedition to find them though.  Am I preaching to the choir or what?!?

Sunday morning I met up with my MeetUp group, Go Far Run over in Campbell for a 6 miler.  Met a new grouper and ran with her as it was her first time in the “real world” and not on a treadmill.  Didn’t meet my pace goals but she really appreciated me sticking with her and pushing her to run a little further.  The one thing about running at Campbell is that you need to decide how far you’re going to run when you start because it’s a “there & back” track – meaning you go half the distance you want to finish at then turn around.  So if you start off wanting to do 6 miles it’s too late to do less after you’ve ran to the 3 mile turn around point.  You’re doing 6 miles no matter what.  🙂

To finish out the weekend I worked in the yard with HunBun then lounged around to decompress before the work week started up again.

See ya later!
