Daily Archives: November 16, 2012

Freedom Friday….Wheee!

So all my moaning, in my head, worked!  I’m back on the healthy train…Toot Toot.  Guess it was just the circle of life…right?  A bunch of ups and downs and doldrums every now and again.  Remember The Phantom Tollbooth?

So my little diversion from exercise and healthy Eats was a little doldrum from my normal approach to living.

So here’s a round up of my Eats…then I’ll wow you with my Sweats.  EEEeeee!

Kabocha and some veggies

Kabocha wrap with green olives

Kabocha, Butternut and greens

Today was bananas…Yesterday was blueberries

And then just to let you know I’m still human, got a couple of treats too.

Vanilla Latte from home

These are so good!

How can I deny a discount PB party?

Every now and again I find that I’m an uncontrollable grazer.  But only finger ready food.  Weird-o.

Uh Oh.  Ran out of time this morning.  I’ll need to do a mid-day post with my Sweats.  I know I’m enhancing the drama before the final reveal of how I Sweated it out these last couple days.

See ya later
