Monthly Archives: May 2013

It’s hermetically sealed…

So since our house just got put on the market we have been living in a hermetically sealed environment.  Every night is filled with cleaning (bleah) of every surface and living pretty sparsely.  Let me tell you, it’s getting pretty old.

Even though I’ve done more cleaning in the last 2 weeks than the last 4 months combined (that reads really badly – but we’re not that messy anyway) I am finding that I really like the super spartan appearance of every room…although I’m sure 13yo and 11yo are not digging the fact that all their Legos have been boxed up in the garage for the last few weeks.  Oh well…can’t have a potential buyer seeing stacks of legos and a million little put together scenes or stepping on those crystal clear ones like I usually do.  Yee-ouch!

Even with all the hectic’ness with the new job, traveling to So Cal every other week, getting the house ready to sell and being a mom and partner to HunBun…I am sticking to a pretty healthy approach to life.  Although I will admit that I am pretty pooped at night and it gets pretty hard to drag myself out of bed for that morning workout.

I’ve gone back to the Tone It Up plan as that seems to be the easiest to understand and the most motivating to me.  I mean have you seen the bodies on Karena & Katrina?  Wicked hot!  Anyhoo – enough salivating on those girls.  It sure has helped me drink more water every day and to make sure I’m mindfully choosing healthy snacks and filling up with high volume veggies.  One thing I’ve noticed is that when I put in my meals into I am certainly not eating the amount of calories I should be – usually only ranging about 1100-1200 calories for a full day of eating.  So I may need to add more protein or some whole grain carbs to get to my “recommended” 1520 calories.  I could add more fruit, but then there’s the sugar.  Augh…the difficulties of eating healthy.  LOL  😀   They also have some really cute workout plans which make it fun to do toning workouts.  I’ve been posting my workouts and food up on Instagram which makes me accountable to make the right choices for me.

I will admit that the cruise HunBun and I are going on in July is really motivating me.  I’d love to sport some super cute outfits that I can show off my toned arms & legs…and ABS with.  I still gotta find those abs, but a girl can have a goal right?!?  🙂

Well gotta get to work so I’ll….

See ya later!


Who is this?

I know right!   It’s been ages…I don’t even want to scroll back on my calendar to see when the last post was.  Bleh.

If I have to make an excuse on my own blog I really do have a good one.  It’s been super crazy town around here for the last few months.  I got a promotion with my company and as a result we are relocating the entire family to Southern California!  I had been balancing 2 jobs for almost a month and am now fully into my new role.  I’m SUPER excited about new position and more excited that I’ll be working in the same building as the people who work on my team.  I’ve been leading virtual teams for the last 6 years – it’ll be so nice to talk to people face to face, to grab them when I see them in the hall, or to have chit-chats at the coffee bar – rather than scheduling conference calls on everyone’s booked up calendar. 🙂

So with work all twisted…we’ve also been busting hump getting our house ready to sell.  You don’t realize how much you just live with until you start looking at your house as a potential pile of money.  😀  We are looking to put it on the market on Monday…so it’s the last weekend of cleaning and straightening before hordes start traipsing through here.  (HunBun is NOT looking forward to that at all).

The posting will be hit or miss for a while…but I’ll do my best.

See ya later!
