Tag Archives: almond milk

What up Wednesday!

I don’t really have a whole lot to say.  It’s been a lot of the same thing every day this week.  Waking up early to bust out an early sweat session…eating healthy meals to stay on the TIU plan…powering through a work day…zooming off to yoga…cooking dinner…trying to chill out…falling asleep.  B-O-R-I-N-G.  😦  Routine is usually what I fall into – be it eating or slogging through the day.  There are so many demands on our every waking minute that you become immune to enjoying life.

I mean who can believe that it’s already February?  I certainly can’t.  I’ve got too much to do at work, for my family, for myself that sometimes I just turn inward.  I retreat into myself – disengaging from everything on the inside while maintaining the outward appearance of full participation.  Is that a protection mechanism?  So I don’t completely drain myself?  Maybe…who knows.  Blah.  That’s usually my statement whenever I don’t want to talk or can’t talk.  🙂

Anyhoo…who signed up to read a decompression session?  Not me – so let’s move on to my favorite topic – EATING!  For all those who think eating healthy is boring and hard – you’re right.  HA!  It can be both of those things if you don’t inject a level of creativity and planning into it.  I do think that healthy eating requires a lot more prep work than not so healthy eating.  That means figuring out what you are going to eat during the week because all that healthy food tends to go bad – certainly doesn’t have the shelf life of say Hamburger Helper.  😀  You also need to cut, pack and organize your healthy eats in an easy to see and grab way.  The easier to grab – the more likely you will eat it.  I’ve learned that the hard way (hard way being throwing out hundreds of dollars of veggies that went bad because I didn’t eat it fast enough – Boot!)

Enough blah blah blahing….  on to the pictorial – Wheee!

Tuesday breakfast.  Oh yeah, I eat my pancake with my hands!

Tuesday breakfast. Oh yeah, I eat my pancake with my hands!

Tuesday snack was a juicy pear

Tuesday snack was a juicy pear

Tuesday Lunch - Double wrapping it!

Tuesday Lunch – Double wrapping it!

I forgot to take a photo of my super tasty smoothie I had before yoga.  I followed a TIU recipe – Mango, Banana, Almond Milk, Coconut…whir it up and drink. 🙂

After yoga I whipped up a Mexican shrimp sauté and served it along with some lime cilantro rice.  Of course I forgot to take a picture.  More because for some reason we didn’t eat until 730pm…we’re usually done eating and kitchen cleaned by 7pm.  Not sure what happened.  So I was rushing all around and then rushed that food right down my piehole.

Wednesday’s eats were almost an exact duplicate…I think I’m falling into my rut.  Ick.  😦  But it was still tasty – so whatever, right.  🙂

Wednesday Breakfast.  What else but a giant ole pancake.

Wednesday Breakfast. What else but a giant ole pancake.

Wednesday Snack: Balls!

Wednesday Snack: Balls!

For snack I had another pear and 2 of these awesome Apricot-Date balls.  Easy to make, although they are a little sticky to roll into balls.  YUM YUM.

Wednesday Smoothie.  Kiwi, berries and spinach.

Wednesday Smoothie. Kiwi, berries and spinach.

No photo of lunch…that’s because I was running late to a conference call and had to shove my wrap into my mouth as quickly as I could.  Not the best thing to do.  Also had 2 Cuties along with my lunch.  Sweet treat!

I was smart today and put some ribs in the crockpot for HunBun and the 12yo so that cooked all day and made the house smell SO GOOD!  I put some rice in the rice pot so it’d be ready for them to eat before I got home from yoga since I had to run to CVS to pick up a prescription.

Wednesday Dinner.  Chicken and Kale wrap

Wednesday Dinner. Chicken and Kale wrap

I may eat a couple Apricot-Date balls as a treat…or have a piece of the Black Bean Brownies I just made.  Hmmmm.  Which would you pick?  😀

See ya later









Breakfast…in 2 parts

Running a little slow this morning…I gotta get back into the “spring outta bed once the alarm rings” mode.  I made my spin on 2-ingredient pancake that has been floating on a lot of other healthy living blogs out there and also made Stuft Mama’s Mocha Smoothie.  SO YUM!  So here are some pictures to make you salivate…and the recipes so you don’t have to hunt them down.

All in the pan!

All on the plate…Yum!

3 Ingredient Pancake (+ Almond Butter)

1 mashed banana, 1/3 cup egg whites (I used Lucerne‘s brand), 1/3 cup of pre-made quinoa with cinnamon for flavor.

Spray pan with cooking spray.  Add quinoa, egg whites and mashed banana to pan.  Swirl it around so all the ingredients get mixed up.  Sprinkle as much cinnamon as you like over the top.  Cook over medium heat (my burner was set at 5.5) and cook slowly.  Once you see the egg whites set up along the edges and the middle starting to firm up you can attempt to flip it over in one piece.  I say attempt because mine ripped down the middle so I flipped the 2 pieces and smooshed it back together to look like a single pancake.

Cook the second side for about 5 more minutes then slide the whole shebang onto a plate.  Ploop whatever nut butter of your choice on top of the pancake – it’ll start to melt from the heat of the hot pancake.  Eats are done!

STUFT Mama’s mocha smoothie

To go along with my pancake I made STUFT Mama’s mocha smoothie.  (I ate part of my pancake before taking 12yo to school, then the rest after I made the smoothie…hence the 2 parts title.)  Pancake & Smoothie were both super easy and super tasty!

STUFT Mama’s Mocha Smoothie

Handful of raw spinach, 1 frozen banana, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 2 Tbsp cocoa powder, 1 Tbsp instant espresso, 1 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk.

Put all the ingredients into your blender hit the button and let it whirl.

Drink up after it’s all combined.

Hope your brekkie’s were as tasty as mine was this morning!

See ya later….


What did you have for breakfast this morning?  Something quick and easy like mine or super fancy and complex?

Adding photos today…Wahoo!

So today I’m figuring out how to add photos to my blog.  Mind you it’ll be pretty clunky for a while until I can figure out all the super-blogger tricks and really do some nifty things with my photos.

I took a picture with my Samsung Galaxy Nexus and sent it to WordPress.

Breakfast Bowl…in a rush so used Special K and fruit

Super easy to find the picture I took  in my media library and added a bunch of blabbedy blab and wahoo here it is!

Woke up later than usual so opened the cabinet and fridge and said “well, hello there”.  What’s in the bowl?  3/4 cup Special K protein with a banana and 1/4 cup blueberries splashed with 1/2 cup unsweetened Silk almond milk.  For a while I was making some pretty slick brekkies, like waffles and ricotta, yogurt parfaits, dairy – dairy – dairy.  Then my belly said “Um, don’t you remember you can’t handle lactose?”…and then it punished me for 2 days.  UGH!  Must have been the fact that I hardly drank milk during my formative years.

So now it’s figuring out non-dairy centric meals, so my precious tummy doesn’t decide to go all rebel on me while still getting all the calcium my lady bones need.  I have to take a trip to the market this weekend so on my grocery list is lactose free yogurt, lactose free cottage cheese…maybe some Lactaid so I can just eat dairy (Bwahahaha).  😀

Getting a drink of water before I start my work day!

See ya later…
