Tag Archives: Beverages

Deja Vu Thursday

I know that doesn’t really go together, but it sort of does.  It was a deja vu kind of work day.  Conference calls – Email – Excel files – Word documents – Instant Chats…  yada yada yada.  It’s probably the same thing that every employee in corporate America does one day or another.

This morning I did not wake up to exercise.  Boo on me.  I didn’t sleep well and was just plain tired…physically tired.  So I decided to do what people always say “listen to your body” and my body said Stay in Bed.  So I did….and an hour and 15 minutes after the alarm went off at 5am I got myself out of bed.

Started the work computer – my data transfer was still going…day 3 – but it was saving all my work from my dead work computer so I wasn’t going to bother it at all.  First thing I do every day is check my calendar to see how many conference calls I had for the day – only 4 today.. YAY!  There are days where I have 6+…Yikes!

My food has been really good this week…I’ve been patting myself on the back as an affirmation of my good choices.  Tonight was a slight deviation with our Hillshire Farms chicken sausage sauté – so good!  On to the foodie foto’s..Yeeha!

Big ole breakfast pancake...eaten with my hands.  MMMmmm

Big ole breakfast pancake…eaten with my hands. MMMmmm

Snack today was 2 Cuties and 2 Apricot Date balls...  looks so zen.  Ohmm

Snack today was 2 Cuties and 2 Apricot Date balls… looks so zen. Ohmm

Homemade chicken salad in a Flat Out wrap on a bed of spinach.

Homemade chicken salad in a Flat Out wrap on a bed of spinach.

A spoonable smoothie!

A spoonable smoothie!

Hillshire Farms sausage, leeks, red potatoes and celery.  YUM!

Hillshire Farms sausage, leeks, red potatoes and celery. YUM!

I ended dinner with a healthy cocoa – cocoa powder + protein powder with hot water.  Sounds weird but tastes really creamy and chocolaty.  You don’t even have to add any sweetener at all.  Oh, one picture I didn’t take was the piece of Black Bean Brownie I ate after lunch – decadent and healthy!

All this healthy eating is making me feel really great about my recent personal choices.  I’ve got a biggee I’m making at work – but I’m not stressing on that at all.  Must be all these positive endorphins from exercise and healthy eats.  🙂

See ya later







Janathon Day 10 update…and Day 11 start

What up Janathoners!  So long as you’re getting active for this first month in 2013…that’s the best thing.  🙂

Janathon imageThursday, January 10th: 5-6pm Muscle & Flow

Push Up Challenge:  9 FU style!

Friday, January 11th: …nothing yet…

Push Up Challenge: 10 FU style and 20 Knees!

I’m making sure to do a little something every day.  This weekend I’m going to mentally prepare for those 2 little races noted on the right side of this post.  You see those?  Yeah, the NeverLand 5K and Tinkerbell Half are next weekend!  I will freely admit that I have not maintained my training plan.  Did not complete near the number of distance miles that I should have.  I have maintained levels of fitness by yoga’ing and circuit training – so I am hopeful that I will be carried by that and the excitement of running with thousands of others.  I will prepare myself not to be disappointed with my time…but plan on pushing myself to accomplish my goals.  No giving in here!

I enjoyed the green smoothie starter for every meal.  Certainly kept me filled up and hydrated at the same time.  I’ve been using water in the smoothies to keep them light.  Although yesterday I made a batch of date balls…must have had 25 finished balls….this morning I only had 2 balls left.  Whoops!  Guess they are a little too tasty.  🙂

See ya later
