Tag Archives: coconut bras

Whoomp there it is…(the fine print)

Spiral at 74

Yeah that’s me, spiraling down the rabbit hole also knows as the Interweb.

So as I’m going through my 2 email in-bins where I get all my subscribed posts (oh, yeah doing this while waiting for the doorbell to ring for Trick’o’Treaters) so you know my attention limits were being tested….  I get to a post and say “oh, shoot – is that what that means?”  That revelation brings me to today’s post topic.  Read the fine print…or read the print in my case.

So a big thanks to Diana at Food n Thought Peddler for nominating me for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. 

Apparently there are rules to the award…and that’s the fine print I missed.  So here are the rules….and all the rest of it.  🙂

The rules for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Thank the person who nominated you (Thanks Diana)
  2. List 7 things about myself (read on for those)
  3. Nominate 15 bloggers and inform them (will do today)

Here’s 7 things about me…

  1. I read… A LOT and recently my Nook library looks like it belongs to a teenager.  There is a ton of YA novels – could be that I don’t want to face the reality that I’m a responsible adult.  🙂
  2. I was born and raised in Hawaii.  I grew up on the island of Oahu. (No we don’t wear coconut bras and Yes we have electricity.  HA)
  3. I have big feet – ranging from a size 9 to a 10 shoe.  (Darn shoe industry!)
  4. I am absolutely creeped out by the movie The Hills Have Eyes cause that crap could actually happen!  GAH!
  5. I have finally accepted the fact that my hair is thick and wavy and am not forcing it to be what it isn’t – stick straight and not so poofy.
  6. My favorite food is fish tacos with avocado slices.  SLURP!
  7. I have no dancing skills even though I danced the hula for 10 years whle I was growing up.

These are the 15 blogs that I’m nominating…and think you should go visit!

  1. How Sweet It Is
  2. Picklee
  3. The Kidless Kronicles
  4. CultFit
  5. My Meandering Trail
  6. Vedged Out
  7. Fit For a Year
  8. Oh She Glows
  9. The Cooking Chook
  10. Inspired RD
  11. Lady or Not…Here I Come
  12. Plain Chicken
  13. No Meat Athlete
  14. Run Eat Repeat
  15. Peanut Butter Fingers

**Don’t ask me why the last 3 look different than the others.  I just copy/paste 🙂  ***Updated – so I know why they looked different – cause they were BROKEN!  Der…  I’ve fixed so click click click away!

Click on a few…you may find your new inspiration (and a bunch of giggles).

See you later
