Tag Archives: Fitness

Friday Morning Wake Up

I will say that when that alarm went off at 5am and it was hecka cold outside of the blanket I needed to take 4 or 5 deep breaths before I stepped out of bed.  But I got into the garage/gym at 5:09am and jumped right on the stationary bike for a quick 5 min warm up.

Why is that riding the stationary bike for 5 min seems like so much less effort and excitement than warming up for that same amount of time on the treadmill?  Could it be that in the 5 min I rode 2.15 miles but only burned 23 calories?!?  Probably.

After the 5 min warm up I did a circuit work out made up of a bunch of different circuits that I’ve been doing…with a few random things thrown in to mix it up.

I used: Fitness Magazine‘s Fierce & Fab in 14 days and pieces of  Tone It Up’s gym free circuits.

Use that 1 minute breather to get your dumbells in easy grabbing position.

I try to focus on form and balance first.  Once it starts feeling too easy I’ll add more reps or change the weight of the dumbell or kettlebell I am using.

After that sweat-fest, I came in to whip up some breakfast.  While my green smoothie (see recipe in yesterday’s post) was whirring away in the blender I made an egg-less protein pancake.  Or attempted to make it into a pancake may be a better way to say it. It was delicious, but in no way would you call it a pancake.  It was more like warmed banana flavored stuff you hoped didn’t fall off your fork.  🙂  I should have used coconut flour or GF flour instead of the ground flax – to offer some binding opportunity.  Oh well.  That’s the nice thing about food experimenting, most of the fails you can still eat.

To make the pancake I replaced my egg whites with 1/2 a cup of unsweetened applesauce, kept in the 1/2 a banana, protein powder, ground flax meal, chia seeds and cinnamon.

The pictures still make it worthwhile.  Drool away…

That’s 2 cups of spinach!

Warmed banana “stuff”

It is so chilly today but the sky is blue and clear.  So here’s to hoping for a warm up in a bit.  Come on Sun!  You can do it.  🙂

See ya later
