Tag Archives: IPod

Business Trip…I thought I was prepared


Carry-On Packing…It’s a 2 day affair

It’s a business travel week and after a short work week last week post-Half Marathon/Holiday and no travel before, I guess my heart wasn’t in it.  Post-run shower, Sunday morning, I started laying out all my clothes for the 3 days I need to pack for.  I don’t know about you other travelers, but when I pack for business travel I usually have to try on my bottoms (never my shirts – odd).  My legs are really long and I always need to make sure my pants haven’t shrunk between uses or that they don’t flop around like 70’s era bell bottoms (what is up with work pants that do that???).  So I tried on my planned outfit bottoms (I should have taken pictures – der) and had my pants/tops folded and ready to be put in the carryon.  Then I decided to try on a dress that I probably bought 2 years ago and put straight into my closet – I mean it still had the tags on for goodness sakes!  I decided that I’d wear dresses and sweaters to lead my meetings this week instead of my normal pants & tops ensembles.  I thought it’d be less clothes to pack – but it’s exactly the same number – 1 dress & 1 sweater per day.  I only liked 2 of the dress/sweater combos so I packed my favorite Ann Taylor LOFT capri pants and an Ann Taylor striped dolman-ish sleeved top.   **Self reminder: Take AM photos with each outfit so I can start a fashion post like my favorite blogger PBFingers!

I also laid out 3 exercise outfits, my Garmin & iPod Nano – anticipating that I would keep my pinky swear to exercise while traveling.  Couple of t-shirts, capri jeans for afterwork and pj’s and my clothes were ready.  They all got into my carry-on.  I love my carry-on bag.  It’s a Diane Von Furstenburg (is that how you spell her name) that I got from TJMaxx.  I like it because I have not seen anyone  with this bag on all the trips I’ve been on.

DVF Carry-On

You think no one carries it because it’s ridiculously bright and girly?  🙂  There is a ton of room and I can shove it in every overhead bin on every plane I’ve been on.  That’s the best part.

I finished packing up toiletries this morning and told HunBun “Hey, if I forgot anything I’ll just go to the store..hahahaha”.  Der!  On the way to the airport my brain finally registered that I FORGOT TO PACK DEODERANT!  Major oopsie.  So I’ll be CVS‘ing in Westlake after work tonight.

Morning Eats

One of the pains of business travel is the ease in buying/eating not so healthy food.  Although I will say the airport shops have gotten better with having the one tiny section of healthy snacks (which are ridiculously expensive, so beware).  It’s also easy to pick up a Starbucks since you’ve got time to kill while waiting for your plane.  To minimize my eyeballs telling my brain and tummy that it needs that snack/Starbucks…I started my morning off right!  3-ingredient pancake with Peanut Butter & Co White Chocolate Wonderful PB  (OMG!!!! Wonderful is an understatement!!!) and STUFT Mama‘s Cherry Mocha Smoothie.   Here’s a step by step of the smoothie…the “pancake” cooked while I zipped this up.

See ya later!


All you need for a Cherry Mocha Smoothie

Put the powdery stuff after the almond milk

Cram that spinach and those cherries on top

30 seconds of loud noise later…Smoothie Deliciousness