Tag Archives: Marathon

Running faster. That’s my goal

So I really want to run faster and as usually happens, I just read this itty bitty article on exactly what I want to do.

Running Makeover: How Do I Get Faster For My Next Race

Then I read it and it’s like “to run faster, train harder”… Uh, I’m pretty sure I could have figured that bit out. better   I’ve read a bunch of articles in magazines, emagazines, blogs, books and this and that.  I have ripped out 8 or 9 different Half Marathon training plans where one is pinned up on my cork board, another framed in the garage next to the treadmill, another on a clip on the magnetic white board, one in the suitcase I use for business travel and the rest in a folder in my desk drawer.  They all pretty much say the same thing.  I just have to get my head in the game and stop jerking around.  As inspiration for myself…and any of you readers – here’s some motivational images – sayings – whatever’s to get me to my goal.

prefontaine quote

nice butt

run so i dont kill

This one’s just because HunBun thinks I’m becoming “one of those ladies” because I wore yoga pants on the plane to and from Florida for our recent vacation.

running clothes burns calories

I ask you “does this really look bad?”.  My arms are actually not long enough for once – this photo angle is super awkward…and not just because I was in the middle of the Vegas airport during our lay over.


Are you inspired?  I am pretty sure I am….actually I KNOW I am.  HA!!

See ya later



Life makes living hard. .


So the last few weeks at work have been especially tiring… mentally and emotionally draining.  So much that at the end of the day I was grateful if I could get to yoga for a class. 

I was getting more & more anxious about the two Disney races I had coming up.  I hadn’t done the level of training I planned and didn’t eat as well as I normally do. So needless to say I was starting to doubt my ability to run the races.

So HunBun and I drove down to Disney early Friday morning.  The ride was pretty smooth. just a few F bombs from HunBun as fellow drivers weren’t following the rules if the road.  We switch seats at the Grapevine.. so I get to deal with the LA traffic.  🙂

We got to the park at 11and got something to eat.  I love the chicken salad sandwich on brioche that they have there.  They also offer a pretty good gluten free bun option for HunBun and his turkey sandwich.  Saw this….but didn’t eat it.


The 5k was Saturday morning at 545am.  I felt awesome and finished in 28:47!!!  I was super stoked and my legs felt great walking back to the hotel where HunBun was sleeping.  Hahahahaha.  Love the support!

We spent Saturday in California Adventure park and then headed back to Disneyland for the afternoon.  We were tired..from the drive..from the work week.  I grabbed a sandwich for dinner – chicken salad again and (here’s where I make a foolish decision) a seasonal cupcake.  This cupcake had chocolate mousse frosting on a chocolate cake with raspberry cream filling.  So decadent…but absolutely the worst thing for me to eat before a 13.1 mile run.

My Verizon service wasn’t working well so I have no pictures from the morning of the race. 

I started off good…then felt myself getting slower.  So I would speed up, then slow down.  When I heard Kanye singing Power at mile 10 I knew I wasn’t going to hit my goal time since he’s supposed to be singing that to me at mile 11.  Gah!

Well I finished strong.  Didn’t make my goal which was to cut 11 minutes from last September… instead I added 11 minutes.  Doh!

Finish time was 2:22.  But hey I finished right?  I had fun.  My HunBun was there for me at the finish.  What more can a girl ask for?!?

Plus I get one more chance to PR next month at the DisneyWorld Princess half marathon.  So as I stare at my medal I’ll take pride in my accomplishments. 

See ya later


Morning Sweats

No I didn’t wake up sweaty…although I do get hot a lot at night.  I annoy HunBun with my on again & off again blanket flipping and leg kicking out all night long.  But that’s another story…

So this morning I rolled out of bed after 5 minutes of morning radio alarm.  That’s only the 5 minutes I heard…after I rolled over and looked at the clock I apparently hadn’t heard 10 minutes.  😀  I’m just getting back into moving around post-Half Marathon.  Yesterday I did a hills circuit and my free weight workout then went to Vinyasa for an hour – I thought I was going to pass out from the heat and from all the arm balances she had us doing.  Weirdest thing was I saw an arm balance pose in the most recent Athleta catalogue and jokingly told HunBun “hey I should tell my yoga instructor to teach us this”…and what the heck pose do you think she had us doing last night?  Doo-d0-doo-do-do (that’s the Twilight Zone theme if you didn’t get that from the do do’s  😀  ).  Of course I was exhausted by the time that pose came up and just did the forearm plank instead – fail.

So back to this morning.  I did a quick walk/jog circuit on the treadmill – 5 min warm up at 3.3mph then 5 min at 5.0mph.  Then 2 minute rotations at the same speed ending with a 1 min walk at 3.3mph.   Then I did a hodgepodge of planks, high knees, and butt kicks.  Sweat-tastic!

Sweat ya later…
