Tag Archives: Peanut butter

What! It’s Wednesday?


I can’t believe that it’s already Wednesday!  Work has been super nutty.  Yesterday I had a block of conference calls from 1230-430pm with no breaks!  GAH!  I actually planned in breaks but somehow over the course of the day random calls snuck their way in.  I think my Blackberry earbuds are dying the slow death of technology…meaning they work sometimes and then decide to crap out in the middle – you know, just to keep things spicy!

So how about a couple of pictures to make it worth your while to keep reading this bloggedy blog.  Eats, Sweats and who knows what…

Easy snack. Warm me up a Clif bar

Fixings for Lunch Eats

So that’s what it looks like all made up

So hot, need Coke

Sweaty start to the day

Breakfast repeat on Wednesday

Then just in case all of that didn’t make you hungry (less the randomly stuck in sweaty pic) check out this fantastic dessert treat from the ol’ Trader Joe’s

Dark Chocolate Speculoos Bar

HOLY COW!!!!   This thing is so unbeliveably good.  I ate two little pieces (they were kind enough to make these so you can clearly see where a piece starts and ends.  Those two little pieces were so rich, so decadent as it melted on my tongue then BONUS with the Speculoos PB in the middle.  It’s like a healthy version of Rolos‘…where instead of ooey gooey caramel you get sorta good for you peanut butter.   This is a 5 star recommendation.  🙂

So anyhoo…I need to get a bloggedy blog schedule.  I love to do morning workouts because by the end of the day I’m ready to just lie down on the couch as I run through my DVR‘d tv shows.  During the day is ridiculous busy with shuttling 12yo to & from school, work, planning whatever dinner delight I’m making, then chilling out until I collapse in bed.  That’s on my TO DO list…number 31 I think.  🙂

Have a great Wednesday.

See ya later


Sunday smoosh

Sunday morning run…

Morning Run

This morning I joined my Go Far Run meetup group at Gilman park in Campbell, CA.  Most of the group is training for the San Jose Rock N Roll Half, I am hoping to stay in running shape for my two Halfs coming up in January & February.  I signed up for a bunch of Brazen races…with the bulk of them happening in November.  These are 5K’s and 10K’s…just enough to keep me motivated to stay on the running program – but not too taxing to wear me out before the 2013 races.

New running shirt from the Disney Half Expo

Cute running clothes make me like running

I bought 2 super cute running shirts from Raw Threads.  They are so soft and don’t feel like your normal “technical” running shirts.  I got the Red Queen, wore that one today, and the Sea Witch.  On the back side of the Red Queen shirt is a white rabbit with the word “Run”.  Cute, huh!  Before hitting the trail I decided to fuel up.

What you shouldn’t do with a water bottle

I ate the Chocolate Peanut Butter Clif Builder’s protein bar I got at the Expo and some Nuun water in my pink bottle.  Isn’t that a neat looking aerodynamic – fitted to the palm of your hand – water bottle?  Well it used to look like a regular symmetrical water bottle that stood up straight…but after going through the steam cycle of our dishwasher it got a little bent.  At least the part the water comes out still works – so use it I shall!

Did 4.5 miles today…just to keep the legs used to the punishment.  Bwahahaha… 😀   I sprinkled in some sprints too…not only when people were around…but weird how it always turned out to be exactly when that was.  Hahaha.

Trader Joe’s stop

Stopped at the Trader Joe’s right near the park to grab some GF bread for HunBun along with a whole bunch of snack’ish food…Chocolate PB cups, Roasted Plantain Chips, Flattened Bananas….Almond Butter, Mango Butter…Cinnamon Sugar grinder…  JEESH!  Thank goodness I don’t stop there often or I’d have to up my mileage!

Anyhoo.  This week’s a business meeting bonanza!  Which means I’ll have to pinky swear to exercise (I took up valuable carry-on space for the 3 exercise outfits I need), eat right (I’ll take some of the TJ’s snacks I just bought) and photo blog daily (I’d tattoo it on my forehead…but my company frowns on those).

Have a great rest of your Sunday!

See ya later!



Morning Eats

STUFT Mama Mocha Smoothie and Ozery morning bun

This morning was a repeat of yesterday’s STUFT Mama Mocha Smoothie.  If you are looking for a tasty way to get your morning spinach in…this is the way to go.  I think tomorrow, if I repeat, I will throw some frozen cherries in there in place of the banana.  YUM!

Added an Ozery morning bun with Peanut Butter & Co chocolate dreams PB with a side of kiwi.  Super quick and tasty eats for a Friday morning.

See ya later…


**No Sweats this morning.  I think I’ll try to get HunBun to do a walk this afternoon around the lake…if not it’ll be Burpee Circuits for me.  😀

***Yep, that’s Mike Wazowski eye-balling my brekkie…and no, I didn’t share 🙂