Tag Archives: Quizno

Freedom Friday!

Hello stranger!  This’ll be a wordy post as I failed on the photo-logging.

I have been busy with work, traveling to Kansas, leading an all day meeting, working on new items from the meeting then dealing with some issues and finishing up day 2 of the meeting.  Then blast to the airport, find out my first flight from KC to Denver was delayed….freaked out about missing my connection from Denver to Oakland only to get the gift of another delayed flight.  Can you believe the ticket agent said “oh you won’t miss your connection because your other flight is delayed too”?  Like that was the best thing EVER?!?

Worked on the first plane.  Lost the plastic fork I grabbed when I bought a Quizno’s pre-packed Cobb Salad at the KC airport.  Didn’t discover I lost my fork until I got to Denver and wanted to eat the salad.  BOOT!

Boarded the Denver to Oakland flight, asking the flight attendant if they had any plastic forks.  She said “no but I can give you two coffee stirrers like chopsticks”.  We laughed, hahaha!  Sat in the aisle seat of a row where the people before our flight were complete slobs – empty food packages in the seat backs, Coke Zero plastic bottle left on the seat and an empty Diet Coke can in the middle seat pocket.   Told the 2 ladies who decided I was nice enough to sit by that they could have those seats but it was super slobby.  (I don’t think they understood what I was talking about, whatever).

Ate the apple I grabbed from a friend’s house in KC then ate the super awesomeness that is Trader Joe’s Roasted Plantain Chips, SLURP!  Opened the computer to work some more.  Southwest WI-FI super slow.  Guess I fell asleep.  Finally got logged in.  Worked on my spreadsheet.  Opened Lotus Notes to email said spreadsheet.  Fell asleep again.  Sent email.  Fell asleep again.  Email sent.  Shut down computer and closed my eyes.

Plane touched down at 11:10pm PST in Oakland, Hooray!!!!  Only an hour later than I was supposed to.  Guess I should be thankful that I didn’t get stuck in Denver or re-routed somewhere I didn’t want to go.

So now I’m home…yippeee!  Next week no work travel planned…yahooie!  So I can trip the light blogtastic with you all!

One super positive is I walked with the work gals every morning EVEN with the time difference.  But I ate like a mad fiend – Cheesecake Factory‘s Mango Key Lime Cheesecake, WHAT!!!  Not to mention the multiple mini boxes of Milk Duds during the 2 days of meetings, GAH!!!!

So enjoy your Freedom on this Friday!

See ya later!
