Tag Archives: restaurants

What would you do?

Would you rather exercise more or eat less?

So I’ve been doing this Green Smoothie challenge that I found on vedgedout’s blog.  Now I’m only on Day 2 so it’s likely this whole idea is coming from a state of confusion brought about by my lack of salt or sugar or chips or bread or eating whatever I feel like putting in my piehole…anyhoo.

A little eating background.  I don’t eat terribly every day.  I usually eat a protein pancake and fruit for breakfast and get a Starbucks Soy Misto if HunBun’s home.  I’ll have a honeycrisp apple with some nut butter for a morning snack with or without a Starbucks Soy Misto.  (If I don’t go to Starbucks I’ll make a homemade matcha green tea latte or a homemade mocha or hot tea or just some hot water with lemon (like my grandma used to – which as a kid I thought was very weird…oh no, I’m an old lady 🙂  )  Back to my eating habits.

For lunch I’ll do a couple different things like saute a bunch of veggies with Bragg’s Amino’s or make a wrap with roastbeef and stuffed with veggies and goat cheese or a nostalgic PB&J.  Depending on how full I am I’ll add a piece of fruit to round it out.  Afternoon snack (if I remember to fit this in before dinner) usually consists of a protein shake or some veggies and hummus or another piece of fruit.  Dinner is chicken and veggies or sometimes I eat what I cook for the family.  HunBun gets annoyed when I cook their food first then cook mine while they start eating – so I try to make stuff for me that’s super quick so everyone’s not done just when I put my plate down to eat.

So really I eat pretty well – normally.  Now when we go out to eat or go on vacation I do splurge a bit more.  I love mexican food and adore the chips and salsa that our local joint (La Pinata) puts on the table before our food comes.  OM-super slurptastic!  I could eat chips and salsa all day long…if it didn’t kill my healthy living goals.  I also LOVE LOVE LOVE a good dessert.  In fact I tend to look at the dessert menu BEFORE I order my meal just so I know if I should order something smaller so I can save room at the end.

Now that I’m getting older (WAH!) I do feel like I need to do more exercising or eat less calories in order to maintain the fit of my clothes and not have to buy new ones.  I did say fit of my clothes as I don’t really let the number on a scale annoy me as much as it used to (I just let it annoy me a teeny bit).  So long as my pants fit well and I don’t shriek in horror everytime I take my clothes off..I figure I’m doing OK.  Hahahaha!

So my question to HunBun this morning was “would you rather exercise more or eat less?”  His immediate answer?  “Eat Less”.  Wha?!?!

I think I’d prefer to exercise more so I can eat what I want to (in moderation of course) and enjoy being alive and being able to taste some of the wonderous Eats out there.

So I guess I answered my own question – “Exercise More“.  Which means no more hitting the snooze or “forgetting to set the alarm”.  No more weekend chill outs because the work week was “so exhausting”.  No more excusing out the need to drive to yoga.  No more taking the easy route on circuits, speed work and hill repeats.  No more thinking about what my body can do but rather letting my body DO.

So that’s me…2 months early for resolutioning.  I will be Exercising More so I can put a little more in my piehole and not angst about it.  Hahahahaha!

See ya later!




Weekend Wrapup

So guess where HunBun and I went this weekend?

Sweet treats…

Oh yeah…DISNEYLAND!  We’re so ridiculous I know.  🙂   HunBun was down south for a work meeting all last week so he suggested I fly down Friday after dropping 12yo off at school for a quick weekend trip.  I of course said “eeeeeeee” – then got mature and said “yes, let me plan that”.  I travel a lot for work so was able to use Southwest points for a one-way to Orange County and Hilton points for 2 nights at the Hilton Anaheim.  SWEET!

Our first stop once we got in the park was to Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe for their Chicken Salad Sandwich and the Turkey Sandwich with Gluten Free bun for HunBun.  They have the best kettle chips – so thick and crispy.  YUM!

I grabbed a picture from foodspotting since I crammed that thing in my piehole so fast I didn’t even think of docu-blogging it in a picture.  Of course HunBun got all annoyed at the lady at the counter – if you get gluten free anything at the park be prepared to wait at least 10-15 minutes for your food after you order it; well he went to check on his sandwich and she completely ignored him while helping everyone else – as he sees his sandwich sitting right next to her.  So he finally says, “um excuse me – but I’m waiting for my sandwich right there” and she says “oh, well I’ve been waiting for you to come back”.  (Insert angry fist shaking here).  It’s little stuff like those things that make having dietary restrictions such a pain in the patootie when you leave your house.  So after that awesome start we headed off to my favorite ride – of like ever…

Nightmare Before Christmas style. Whee!

We rode this one 3x in a row before getting on some other stuff they got over there.  HA!  Indiana Jones was closed – refurbishing or something or other – big sign on the fencing said it’ll be back Winter 2012.  Our Jungle Cruiser was really punny on the trip – it’s always nice when they go off script a little to include what’s happening in the boat.  The ones who just recite the puns and jokes get a little boring.

I just can’t ride Space Mountain or Star Tours anymore – I try – then regret my attempt as soon as they start the rides up.  I seriously have to keep my eyes closed and my mouth clamped shut or else the folks around me will be hating life…and me until they can buy a new change of clothes and some water for their hair.  I did try Expedition Everest when we went to DisneyWorld this summer – bad move on my part.  I can do Tower of Terror though – so bizarre.  So unless 10yo comes with us, HunBun is relegated to all the easy rides unless he goes by himself.

Disneyland wasn’t very crowded for being a Friday afternoon.  We got on all the rides we wanted to with very little to no waits.  We usually FastPass rides while we wait in the lines – so we get a FastPass for Haunted Mansion then wait in line to ride.  By the time we get through the line it’s time to use our FastPass.  So smart right?  🙂

I spotted this on the “Times flyer”… and that dictated where we were spending Saturday morning.

Yep.  We spent the morning over in California Adventure instead.  Since that park doesn’t open really early we got to sleep in a little before heading over for a day of line-standing.  We got into the park relatively quickly (because you know time is relative in Disney) and while HunBun headed over to the Carsland FastPass line I headed over to get this little beauty…

Marriage made in Heaven

Yes.  Starbucks has landed…in California Adventure’s Fiddler, Fifer and Practical Cafe.  I got my now go-to drink a Soy Misto along with a cup of berries to go with my Cashew Cookie Larabar.  Got to get at least 1 “good for you” meal in a day while on vacation.  I grabbed HunBun a Skinny Caramel Machiatto…to which he said “oh, you should have just grabbed me a coffee” (insert angry fist shaking here)  🙂

So now we had time to kill and rides to find until our 1220-120 FastPass window opened for Radiator Springs Racers.  The park was not crowded at all!  We jumped on ride after ride and even gave The Little Mermaid ride another chance (not for us).  We just think they could have done so much more with that ride than what it is…

For lunch we ate at Award Weiners where I tried the FrankenWeenie.


It was tasty…but looks very Frankenstein-ish.  I thought I was going to have a massive belly ache after eating it but it wasn’t so bad – must be the bacon right?!?  Of course no photo – BOOT!  So I stole one of the interweb from the OCRegister.

Doesn’t that look healthy? Not really.

Right after we ate our weiners we walked past Tower of Terror to get to Carsland to use our FastPass and saw that ToT only had a 13 minute wait (spooky).  So we jumped on and I screamed as we went up then down then up then down then down then up then down…..  AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

Even with a FastPass you still have to wait in line to ride the Radiator Springs Racers…BUT the line employee up front asked for 2 people and we jumped!  They directed us to fill in a car for someone who was in a wheelchair…and while we were waiting we noticed a Disney employee with a visitor.  Well it was one of those Backstreet Boys (the dark haired one)!

It was this one – Kevin

Then as we were leaving Carsland we saw him again with the other guy…this one.

We knew his name – Brian

We didn’t take photos…cause we didn’t really care (and think that’s rude).  Although I did make a funny (I thought so) post about seeing them and that they were “Incomplete”.  Get it?  Like their song…Incomplete?   Bwahahahah!

We wandered around California Adventure until about 230 then headed over to Disneyland where hopefully the taping of the Christmas Parade was winding up.  Instead of wading our way through the crowds lined up along Main Street U.S.A we jumped on the train and rode our way to New Orleans Square to hit up the Haunted Mansion, again!  For those of you who haven’t seen it decorated for the holidays…here’s a vicarious ride along for you!

We did a FastPass line wait/ride again.  It was so crowded at the park and I don’t think just because of that parade taping.  So we stopped at Mint Julep Bar so I could eat some Mickey shaped beignets and stare at people (I mean people watch).  To suit the holiday season, they had pumpkin flavored beignets.  I didn’t really taste the pumpkin – they just tasted like a less sweet version of the originals.  Didn’t photo (as usual) but this was more because my fingers were covered in crack sugar.  So I grabbed a photo from The Disney Food Blog.

From Disney Food Blog

This was my sweet treat from the Parks.  I didn’t get a Dole Whip this time, the lines were ridiculous on Saturday and Friday was too chilly to get one.

We did go to Storyteller’s Cafe over at Grand California for dinner Saturday night and ate the buffet.  I did grab a bunch of desserts – which my eyes liked more than my belly.  I ate so much to the point where I said “if I eat one more bite I will literally puke”.  😦  I had 2 plates: green salad, potato salad, roasted veggies, fruit salad and 2 cups of chicken corn chowder.  Then the plates of dessert.  Whoo whee!  We certainly got our money’s worth there!  Took a few photos after the fact, when my brain registered it should’ve done that.

Overall we had a super nice time, just HunBun and me.  We left the hotel at 440am to drive home.  We got to Anderson’s over in Santa Nella a bit before 9am for our regular breakfast stop.  We reached home around noon.  Hoorah!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did!  I’m back to normal living this week – starting a Green Smoothie Challenge (I got from Vedged Out) and hopefully going to yoga every night this week.

See ya later.


HunBun and Me