Tag Archives: stink eye

Trail Hog Bib pick up

Race Bib Pick Up

Sometimes GPS makes me feel dumber than ever.  I drove out to Road Runner Sports in Campbell to pick up my race bib for the Brazen Trail Hog 5K happening this Saturday.  First some nutter next to me decided he wanted to go straight EVEN THOUGH he was obviously in a turn only lane and I was also turning!  So after slamming my brakes and watching the nutter wiggle-waggle his steering wheel as he attempted to overcorrect his major fail THEN get back into his turn only lane (DONKEY) I blindly followed my GPS (giving him the stink eye as I drove past the goober) as it made me drive in a complete circle.  I finally just drove into the shopping complex with Whole Foods and pulled up Road Runner Sports on my phone – then after making another U-Turn found my way to their parking lot.  Criminey!

Swag Bag

I was surprised I got one and it was filled with some pretty useful stuff…and something I hope I don’t ever have to use.

I’m digging the Swag


Hoping I never have to use this though

I love the shirt and bib design for this race…it’s what really caught my attention and why I signed up.  Pretty slick, huh!

Get outta my way, I’m a Trail Hog

As this is my first trail run I’m being cautious and signed up for the 5K.  Brazen’s cool about letting you switch which race you want to compete in when you pick up your bib.  So I let the friendly gal know that I was sticking to the 5K (in my head I was saying “so I don’t faceplant or break something important the first time out”).  I’m super jazzed for Saturday to get here.  I’m going to convince HunBun to come with…to give me some cheerleading support and also so we could maybe hit some Eatery on the way back.  🙂

While at Road Runner Sports I also grabbed some super bright compression socks.  These’ll go great with my fancy new shoes I just got.  I’ll be sure to post a photo of my race day outfit…if it’s the stuff I think I’m going to wear it’ll be pretty darn colorful I tell you.

Aren’t you prettier in pink!

See ya later!


What’s the coolest competitive event you’ve entered?