Tag Archives: stir fry


Prep station

So today for lunch I decided to get back on the wagon, after last night’s kiddie pizza party, and eat a healthy stir fry that is super easy.  I have a ton of cookbooks (more like tens, but you know what I mean) but have not yet mastered the art of cooking.

Like the other day I tried a recipe I got from a bloggedy blog for baked tofu.  So I followed the directions and half way through the baking time I decided to add in some Bragg’s Liquid Amino for flavor.  Thinking nothing of it, I pulled open the oven door and squirted some of that amino right on top of the tofu block.  Super-Der!  Wouldn’t you know that taking room temperature liquid and adding that to a hot glass dish would cause some kind of reaction?  Like a big old cracking sound followed by sizzling as said liquid oozed out of the cracked glass dish and onto the bottom of the hot oven?  Geez!

 So this recipe is super easy!  Just grab whatever veggies you have and stir fry them in a pan.  I use Nutiva Coconut Oil in the pan before dropping all the veggies in. I added some brussel sprouts, organic kale, broccoli slaw, organic grape tomatoes and some squished tofu.   I squirt some liquid amino and Sriracha for taste.  Once the veggies are as wilty as you like, slide it all out of the pan and onto a plate.  Super yum!

So to those of you who haven’t tried brussel sprouts – go ahead and grab 1-2 loose ones.  Those who haven’t tried kale – it’s just greenery.  Those who walk past that bag of broccoli slaw in the refrigerated produce section – think of them as thin green fries.  I won’t say anything about tomatoes since mostly everyone eats those.

Easy Eats!  It’s the only way to balance everything!

