Tag Archives: Sunday

Monday, monday. la laa la laa laa laaaa

Not sure if you all know that song but it sure is something you can hum along too…since I don’t know any words but Monday and La.  🙂

Janathon…Janathon…Janathon.  I didn’t get my Saturday post in within 24 hours, but that’s because I didn’t do any “exercise“.  Did a bunch of walking around the house and ran some errands – but nothing you would define as “exercise” for the day.  Bleah.

Sunday, January 13th: Ran 5.5 treadmill miles.

Push up challenge:  10 FU’s and a bunch of planks.

Who out there as an iFit enabled piece of exercise equipment?  Well ever since iFit changed their website my treadmill has not communicated at all with my iFit website.  So annoying when you pay for a service that no longer works.  I sent an email with my issues a bit ago and am waiting for the response.  I have another issue to write in about – “Unable to download workout – Error” that I got on my machine this weekend.  ARGH!

Monday, January 14th: A.M. free weights for the arms.

Push up challenge: 10 FU’s and a few chaturanga’s too.

I’m going to take a run/walk up to the Starbucks at lunch time to get 2 miles in and hitting up Vinyasa Flow this evening.

This weekend HunBun and I are headed to Disneyland so I can run the 5K and Half-Marathon.  We’re hoping the weather stays clear so the Grapevine (I5 route’s through the mountains) is easy to drive.  Last weekend they closed it down for 20 hours…and people were stuck!  No thanks!

Enjoy your Monday!

See ya later.



Janathon – Day 6 (quick update)

Supposed to do 8…did 4.  BLEAH!

Janathon image

Sunday, January 6th: Treadmill 4 miles (SSSSLLLLLLOOOOOWWWW) and my PU (push up) challenge.  I did 7 FU (full on) PU’s and 20 knee PU’s!

Whoopie!  I did 2 more FU PU’s  than I completed Saturday so I am super jazzed about that.

I keep my arms close to the side of my body – similar to a yoga chaturanga (I posted a Lululemon link for reference).  I feel more confident in my form when I keep my arms close, it allows me to move slowly through the move and not just collapse down and then wobble my way back up.

How to Chaturanga

I do my FU push ups first because that allows me to go until fatigue – or my form gets all janky.  Plus this is what I want to improve so I’d rather have my full arm strength (what little I have) available to do these.

Once my FU form is lost I transition to my knees to do as many knee style push ups as I can (trying to maintain at least 20 since that was my baseline).

Once I get super strong…maybe I’ll do these…  Heck Yeah!

See ya later…with my Janathon Day 7 update.



Healthy Starts


Remember my big question the other day?  You know the one about exercising more or eating less?  Well last night I committed to the exercising more.  No, it wasn’t some big committment ceremony between myself and my treadmill and free weights.

Who doesn’t want to be a unicorn?!?

It was more like I ate a bunch of crap that necessitated my commitment when the alarm went off at 5am this morning.  Burn on myelf!  🙂

So I bounced…or rolled out of bed at 5am and was in the garage by 5:07am to do a sprint workout on the treadmill.  I actually love running on the treadmill although I do think it seems a little more daunting to go faster on the treadmill than to run fast out on the streets.  I’ll see how my theory plays out on my Sunday long run.  This is what I sweated to this morning:

Modified from an Active.com article

That was my first attempt at a picmonkey graphic’y deal.  Not sure if I’m digging the background shoe picture – I may need to find something with more lights than darks to use as the backdrop.  Anyhoo.  I survived.  My legs felt really good on the sprints and I liked the fact that I could test my ability in short bursts.  Since this was my first day of speedwork I did start at a reasonable speed.  My goal is to get to a 2:00 or a wee bit below a 2:00 PR for my next Half Marathon (January 2013’s Tinkerbell in Disneyland).  I’ve improved times in every race and I really believe I can hit a sub-2:00 if I work on my speed drills, some hills for endurance and then increase the long runs, distance and speed.

I’m committed baby!

Oh yeah!

To support this increased exercise (hey I know it was just one workout – but I committed remember), I started the day off with a healthy breakfast – which is my favorite meal of the day.

I got a whole bunch of veggies & fruit servings in these beauties.

Protein pancake

  • 2 egg whites (used real egg whites since I didn’t have that carton stuff)
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1 Tbsp protein powder (I use vanilla rice protein powder)
  • 1 Tbsp ground flax meal (Bob’s Red Mill)
  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds
  • Cinnamon

Mix it all up and pour into a heated non-stick pan sprayed with cooking spray.  Let it sit for 6-7 minutes until the edges pull up and you can shake the cake around when you wiggle the pan.  Flip over and cook for another 3-4 minutes.  Slide onto a plate and toss on whatever fruit you want.

Green Smoothie

  • 2 cups organic raw spinach
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup frozen fruit (the lighter the fruit the greener the drink)
  • 1/2 – 1 banana
  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds

Blend it all up and drink it up!  Will make a lot so be prepared to sip for a while.

So now it’s worky work time.  I think I’ve got 5 conference calls today – so far…I never know if another one will get scheduled in between.

See ya later!


Weekend Update

For you loyal readers (THANKS MUCHOS)…here’s the weekend update.  As you read, right before this, I started my monologueing and wooshed right over my weekend.  I did a bit better on the photo logging, with the exception of Saturday.

Our nephew slept over Friday night and it was X-box’ing, a movie and then to bed for the 3 of them.  Then getting out of bed at 4am Saturday morning when I hear 2 sets of feet trying to creep around the house completely unaware that our creaky floor is practically saying “HEY YOU KIDS GET BACK TO BED BEFORE SHE WAKES UP!”.  Did they listen to that floor?  Heck no!  So who do you think had to get out of her warm bed to flick on the kitchen light and tell them “I see the top of your head poking out the side of the ottoman – get back in bed”.  Jeesh!  I don’t know what they thought they were going to do since they didn’t turn on any lights AND they went into the family room instead of the room where the X-box is.  Weirdos.

After waking up at a normal hour (630am, UGH) and finishing up my circuit workout, I whipped up a huge batch of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon (SMELLS SO GOOD) and hashbrowns for the 4 dudes in the house.  I whipped myself up a protein pancake topped with blueberries and ate the leftover 1/2 bacon from HunBun.  Since I’m such an awesome home-maker (insert snarky smirk here), I didn’t realize I had no milk until I went to pour some for the boys at breakfast.  Oh well…GATORADE for all!  🙂

They went back to the X-box while I did my favorite chore of all time – CLEANING BATHROOMS – Super Bleah!

About noon nephew’s mom and lil bro came over to pick him up…and spend some time hanging out in the backyard while HunBun did his most favorite chore of all time – CLEANED THE YARD.

That’s what she said…HA HA!

After the visitors left it was errand time.  Needed to get some groceries, pick up some (cheap) nice black dress pants, black dress shoes and a long sleeved button white shirt for 12yo and his upcoming Band performance (for 3rd graders no less) and some butt cushions for our wooden dining room seats (as HunBun has complained numerous times about his aching booty after sitting there when working from home).  So that meant a drive to the Fremont Hub to hit up Bed, Bath & Beyond, Target, Trader Joe’s and Safeway!  Love the convenience!

So our erranding was successful UNTIL I left 12yo & 10yo in the car while I went to grab the last few things from Safeway.  When I came back to the car guess what happened?  Give up?  (I about did too)  That darn car wouldn’t start up!!!  SUPER ARGH!  I calmly (I think it was calmly) asked the boys what they had running while I was in the store…radio, a/c, gps screen.  So I just pulled out my roadside assistance card, gave them a call and was told someone would be out to assist me in about 30 minutes.  After about 40 minutes the assister called me and said he’s been looking for us in the parking lot.  So I explained where we were (a lot more complex than it should have been) we spotted his white van…flagged him down (because apparently he still didn’t see us)…he popped the hood…pulled out his little jumping box…gave us a zap and we started right up.  WHEW!  We got on our way and both boys apologized for using the battery power while I was in the store (pretty sweet of them)..and I said “hey you couldn’t have known and we got to spend time together”.

You gotta cherish those little pieces of time while those boys are still young enough to want to hang out with their mom.  🙂

And that was just my Saturday!  Why do I think my life is so boring?  😀

Sunday started with a Meetup group run…except for the fact that there was no one else meeting up AND I dropped my dang Nano while waiting for apparently no one to show up!  You can barely see (but I can totally see) the spiderweb that is now in the top corner of my screen.  CURSES!  I was so irritated I just started running…but had to stop cause that dumb Nano lady started telling me what song I was listening to from what playlist.  Are you kidding me?  Didn’t I shut you off?  So I had to stop and go through every single setting to figure out why the heck she started blabbering at me again.  Finally after clicking through every – and I mean every – setting on that thing I finally clicked on “Male” then “Off” and she shut her yap.  I used all that annoying energy to haul patootie down the trail – throwing in some speed intervals with walking.  I got up to a 8min mile pace and ended at an 8:30min mile pace – pretty sweet – maybe I should tick myself off before every race? 🙂  I didn’t run very far – I think just 2.5 miles since I had stuff to do at home.

I’m reconsidering the drive out to my Meetup group Sunday runs.  It’s about a 30 min drive there and back…and not to be a complete cheap-o…with the gas prices where they are at (I filled up at $4.45 on Friday – and that was the cheapest station!) I may need to reconsider my plan.  I’ve got a perfectly good neighborhood to run around in on Sundays.  Maybe I’ll just do every other week or once a month at Campbell and the rest will be pounded out around home.  Decisions Decisions.

I did try out a new watch I got in support of Breast Cancer awarenessHeartmonitors.com had a special announced on Active.com for a deal on one of their GPS watches.  Took me a little while to figure out but certainly a bit smaller than my Garmin plus it comes with a watch function so you can actually use it as a watch if you’re into the fitness look.  I thought you could track your steps with it but I’ll have to look up the detail on the interweb as they post the user manual there.

After I got home I felt like a superstar 1950’s housewife….not because I wore a dress and pearls around the house but because I was a baking fiend (and that’s what Barbara Billingsly would be doing for the Beaver)!  I picked up a mini-donut pan at BB&B on Friday and made some gluten free donuts for breakfast.  I put too much nutmeg because they tasted like gingerbread…and looked like dog turds (but that’s not because of the nutmeg – HA).  The “poo” appearance was because 10yo and I put too much mix in each of the little pan holes and they poofed up and over.  Hey every minute a lesson is learned…and ours that morning was not to overfill the mini-donut pan (or maybe it was follow the directions that said “do not fill more than 1/2 way”).

Soy MIsto and Homey Donuts

Before I left for my run I threw some chicken breasts and Stubb’s BBQ sauce into the ol crock pot and turned that whiz bang gadget on.  The entire house smelled DE-licious all day long.

10yo and 12yo came (were dragged) along with me to the Verizon store to activate 10yo’s replacement cell.  That kid is on his 4th phone already.  Keeps losing the dang things.  I laid the law down this time (I think) and said if he’s not talking on it, the phone is in his backpack pocket or on the charger at home.  We’ll see how far the law goes with that one.  I need to find a cheap replacement for 12yo’s phone that went swimming in the ocean when they were in Hawaii this summer.  I’m checking around before I break down and buy one from the store.  Cheese balls these kids!  Already expensive and all these bonus buys just add up!

To finish up the day, I whipped up some gluten free bisquick biscuits to go along with the BBQ chicken for dinner.  I didn’t have enough shortening so I threw in some Heart Balance spread to make up the difference.  So yummy…especially with the drizzle of honey I put all over my 2 biscuits.  Slurp-ur-rific!

Verizon store waste…Lunch Wrap…GF Biscuits

We had the World Series on and learned later that the Giants won (I don’t know what I was doing instead of watching – going through my stack of magazines maybe?)  Then learned that a bunch of dopes in the city decided to “celebrate” by burning stuff in the middle of the streets in the Mission.  Turds!

And now you’re caught up from my weekend.  Hope your’s was as adventurous!

See ya later!



Puzzle mania


Trail Hog recap and this morning’s Eats & Sweats

Brazen Trail Hog 5K

Yesterday morning I completed my first trail run…even though I said I wasn’t doing it for time you know deep down I didn’t want to be a total schlub on my first race out.

I was 45th out of 156 with a pace of 10:52/min for a finish of 36:50.  That doesn’t sound too bad for my first one out until you look at the rankings and see that some 9yo kid finished 7th with a  7:40/min pace.  GAH!

I promised you some awesome running fashion and without further fanfare – feast your eyes on this slick combo!

No, I’m not color-blind.

Just to let you know how awesome these threads were…while I was on the run one of the camera dudes said “hey, nice socks”.  Woot Woot!  Oh, yeah!

Thanks to HunBun for getting up early with me and hanging out while I was on the trail.  He was a pretty good photo-logger.

It’s like you were there with us

My favorite is the one in the lower right corner…that’s my super white self – shining in the summer sunshine – it looks like I’m naked.  🙂

I’ll kick your patootie

At the end we got these wicked cool medals…this hog’s been working on his bicep curls!  Then we piled through the feed trough – I mean the buffet of a refuelers dream.  They were even handing out It’s It ice cream sandwiches!  EEEE!  I grabbed a cappucino flavor – unfortunately it’s a cookie sandwich so no ice cream for HunBun (insert sad face here).  I should have taken a picture of the food line – if that doesn’t motivate you to run I don’t know what would!  So after grabbing half a bagel (the MOST DELICIOUS bagel I have ever eaten – it tasted like warm garlic bread, SLURP), a little dixie cup of Skittles for HunBun, some Raw Energy bars that I’ve never tasted and some more water I moved over to the side to eat my ice cream sandwich and watch the rest of the 5K/10K participants come in.  While I was eating HunBun asked “do you have makeup all over your face?”..I said “no, it’s probably all the dust gathered in my tears”.   Hahahaha.  One take away – wear sunglasses on a trail run ESPECIALLY if you wear contacts!  My right eye kept tearing up and I was afraid my contact was gonna fall right out.  **10yo calls tears eye sweats – so for all you men out there it’s not crying it’s your eyeball sweating. 🙂

The Brazen racing team is THE BEST!  Made you feel completely comfortable and when the announcer asked who was doing their first trail run and a ton of hands shot up he got super stoked!  There were a couple of big hills I had to walk up – I’m not ashamed to admit it – but for the most part I kept my pace up and had a really great time.  I encourage anyone to try anything once…you might find your newest addiction that way!

Sunday Morning Eats & Sweats

This morning I had some instant cinnamon oatmeal (cleaning out the pantry last week unearthed some food that needs to be eaten), ungloopified by some unsweetened coconut milk, fattened up with some sunflower butter then flavored up with some cinnnamon and blueberries.  On the side I finished up the other half of the papaya.  Can’t go wrong with instant oatmeal (I stick to the high fiber version or the low sugar version – I don’t know why they don’t combine those two features..Come On Quaker!).  Well I should say you can’t go wrong IF you like oatmeal (unlike my Ann girl who can’t stand the stuff).

Our finicky little Keurig has been working for the past week (HOORAH!) so I added a cup of coffee whitened with unsweetened coconut milk then spinkled with this lovely find from Trader Joe’s  – a Chocolate, Coffee Bean and Sugar grinder!  Gives your morning joe a little extra howdy-do.  I enjoyed that in my Disney World cup that I got from our trip this past June.  Cheery!


Today I did my Functional Workout from Tina Reale – who I have helping me out as a virtual personal trainer.  I was supposed to do this workout yesterday – but the 5K threw our day off schedule and I didn’t get to it like I wanted to.  So this morning I did 4 supersets at 45/sec each exercise after a 10 min stationary bike ride while I set up my interval clock.  Then I finished up with a 15 min speed workout on the treadmill.  My darn iFit is not connecting on my treadmill so I need to figure that out.  Bugger.

So that’s my weekend so far as Sunday’s still got some hours left in her.

See ya later!


Business Trip…I thought I was prepared


Carry-On Packing…It’s a 2 day affair

It’s a business travel week and after a short work week last week post-Half Marathon/Holiday and no travel before, I guess my heart wasn’t in it.  Post-run shower, Sunday morning, I started laying out all my clothes for the 3 days I need to pack for.  I don’t know about you other travelers, but when I pack for business travel I usually have to try on my bottoms (never my shirts – odd).  My legs are really long and I always need to make sure my pants haven’t shrunk between uses or that they don’t flop around like 70’s era bell bottoms (what is up with work pants that do that???).  So I tried on my planned outfit bottoms (I should have taken pictures – der) and had my pants/tops folded and ready to be put in the carryon.  Then I decided to try on a dress that I probably bought 2 years ago and put straight into my closet – I mean it still had the tags on for goodness sakes!  I decided that I’d wear dresses and sweaters to lead my meetings this week instead of my normal pants & tops ensembles.  I thought it’d be less clothes to pack – but it’s exactly the same number – 1 dress & 1 sweater per day.  I only liked 2 of the dress/sweater combos so I packed my favorite Ann Taylor LOFT capri pants and an Ann Taylor striped dolman-ish sleeved top.   **Self reminder: Take AM photos with each outfit so I can start a fashion post like my favorite blogger PBFingers!

I also laid out 3 exercise outfits, my Garmin & iPod Nano – anticipating that I would keep my pinky swear to exercise while traveling.  Couple of t-shirts, capri jeans for afterwork and pj’s and my clothes were ready.  They all got into my carry-on.  I love my carry-on bag.  It’s a Diane Von Furstenburg (is that how you spell her name) that I got from TJMaxx.  I like it because I have not seen anyone  with this bag on all the trips I’ve been on.

DVF Carry-On

You think no one carries it because it’s ridiculously bright and girly?  🙂  There is a ton of room and I can shove it in every overhead bin on every plane I’ve been on.  That’s the best part.

I finished packing up toiletries this morning and told HunBun “Hey, if I forgot anything I’ll just go to the store..hahahaha”.  Der!  On the way to the airport my brain finally registered that I FORGOT TO PACK DEODERANT!  Major oopsie.  So I’ll be CVS‘ing in Westlake after work tonight.

Morning Eats

One of the pains of business travel is the ease in buying/eating not so healthy food.  Although I will say the airport shops have gotten better with having the one tiny section of healthy snacks (which are ridiculously expensive, so beware).  It’s also easy to pick up a Starbucks since you’ve got time to kill while waiting for your plane.  To minimize my eyeballs telling my brain and tummy that it needs that snack/Starbucks…I started my morning off right!  3-ingredient pancake with Peanut Butter & Co White Chocolate Wonderful PB  (OMG!!!! Wonderful is an understatement!!!) and STUFT Mama‘s Cherry Mocha Smoothie.   Here’s a step by step of the smoothie…the “pancake” cooked while I zipped this up.

See ya later!


All you need for a Cherry Mocha Smoothie

Put the powdery stuff after the almond milk

Cram that spinach and those cherries on top

30 seconds of loud noise later…Smoothie Deliciousness