Tag Archives: Wordpress

Good intentions

I really tried to get back into my personal/work/blog balance..you know all those good intentions.  But apparently all those intentions did not generate the desired actions as it’s been over a week since my last post.  FAIL!

I may not be one of those folks who do a post every single day.  I may be more of a 3-4 day a week type poster.  I already try to cram a whole lotta “doing” into every day that it seems that the addition of one more activity pushed me over the edge.

I think one thing that would help is if I learned how to use my WordPress app on my Android phone.  It’d probably be a whole lot easier if I didn’t have to boot up my home computer, get on the internet, open up WordPress, then actually write some stuff while on the go.  I mean I post up all kinds of Instagram photos on my FB about my daily deelio’s – it’s got to be the effort of using the home computer.

Well…since it’s almost the new year I guess I can make one of those annual promises that people do.  So here’s the thing – I need to figure out what I’m using blogging for.  An outlet?  An accountability tool?  A sharing medium?  A neat thing to do?  It may be all of the above – which means I have to figure out a priority level…how important is this for me to support the balancing act I’ve been doing.   I gotta figure out what is shareable – what is interesting – what would keep people coming back (since we’re all so different) – what would keep me blogging.  SO MUCH THINKING…and not even getting paid for it… AUGH!!!!

I do have something to blog about…it’ll be tomorrow (FOR SURE).  It’s about a company called Naturebox.  They sent me a box of treats and I wanted to give you all my thoughts on it….it was delicious.  😀

So let me get back to work work…and I’ll get back to bloggedy blogging after a bit.

Thanks for sticking with me…and not taking me off your read list.  🙂

See ya later


Adding photos today…Wahoo!

So today I’m figuring out how to add photos to my blog.  Mind you it’ll be pretty clunky for a while until I can figure out all the super-blogger tricks and really do some nifty things with my photos.

I took a picture with my Samsung Galaxy Nexus and sent it to WordPress.

Breakfast Bowl…in a rush so used Special K and fruit

Super easy to find the picture I took  in my media library and added a bunch of blabbedy blab and wahoo here it is!

Woke up later than usual so opened the cabinet and fridge and said “well, hello there”.  What’s in the bowl?  3/4 cup Special K protein with a banana and 1/4 cup blueberries splashed with 1/2 cup unsweetened Silk almond milk.  For a while I was making some pretty slick brekkies, like waffles and ricotta, yogurt parfaits, dairy – dairy – dairy.  Then my belly said “Um, don’t you remember you can’t handle lactose?”…and then it punished me for 2 days.  UGH!  Must have been the fact that I hardly drank milk during my formative years.

So now it’s figuring out non-dairy centric meals, so my precious tummy doesn’t decide to go all rebel on me while still getting all the calcium my lady bones need.  I have to take a trip to the market this weekend so on my grocery list is lactose free yogurt, lactose free cottage cheese…maybe some Lactaid so I can just eat dairy (Bwahahaha).  😀

Getting a drink of water before I start my work day!

See ya later…
